Monday, December 1, 2008

The problem I have with obama, his voting record


NO SB 230 (1997)

To prohibit partial-birth abortion unless necessary to save

the life of a mother and makes performance of the procedure

a Class 4 felony for the physician.

I don't agree with this vote.

NO HB 709 (2000)

To prohibit state funding of abortion and induced miscarriages

except when necessary to save the life of the mother.

Excludes premature births from funding except to produce a

viable child when necessary to save the life of a mother.

Would permit funding in cases of rape or incest when payment

is authorized under federal law.

I don't agree with this vote.

NO SB 1661 (2002)

A part of the Born Alive Infant Protection Package. Would

create a cause of action if a child is born alive after an abortion

and the child is then neglected through failure to provide

medial care after birth.

I don't agree with this vote.


NO SB 381 (1997)

To require prisoners to pay court costs for frivolous lawsuits

against the state.

I don't agree with this vote.

NO SB 485 (1999)

To give no offer of “good time” for sex offenders sentenced

to the County Jail.

*Obama was the only vote against this measure

I don't agree with this vote.


YES HB 3396 (2003)

To make unionization easier by not requiring a secret ballot

to organize if 50% of the eligible workers publicly sign a card

of support for unionization.

I don't agree with this vote.

YES SB 230 (2003)

Entitles a teacher who is elected as an officer of the state or

national teacher’s union to be granted a leave of absence for

up to six years, or the period of time the teacher is serving.

I don't agree with this vote.

YES SB 1070 (2003)

Allows college graduate assistants who teach college

courses be eligible to join a union.

I don't agree with this vote.


PRESENT SB 609 (2001)

To restrict the location of buildings with “adult” uses (meaning

pornographic video stores, strip clubs, etc.) within 1,000

feet of any public or private elementary or secondary school,

public park, place or worship, preschool, day-care facility,

mobile park or residential area.

I don't agree with this vote. Grow some balls obama Present???

NO HB 1812 (1999)

To require school boards to install software on public computers

accessible to minors to block sexually explicit material.

I don't agree with this vote.


NO SB 1075 (1999)

To create an income tax credit for all full-time K-12 pupils in

an amount equal to 25% of qualified education expenses up

to a maximum of $500 per family.

I thought he was all about giving tax credits? What happened here?

YES SB 1725 (2003)

To restore the Illinois Estate Tax.

I don't agree with this vote.

YES SB 1733 (2003)

To impose a Gas Use Tax on the purchase of natural gas

from outside the state of Illinois for use or consumption in

Illinois. Forces the delivering supplier to pay 2.4 cents per

therm of gas, or the customer can elect to become a “selfassessing”

purchaser and pay 5% of the purchase price or

2.4 cents per therm.

I don't agree with this vote.


YES SB 1415 (2003)

To create public funding for supreme court races.


NOT VOTING HB 581 (2003)

Allows domestic partners to be allowed to assume the rights

of a spouse or survivor with regards to pension benefits

under the Chicago Teacher’s pension system.

OOOH LIBS... He don't like your gays do he....

NO SB 228 (1997)

Changes the “Illinois Equal Opportunity Act of 1997” to stipulate,

notwithstanding any law to the contrary, any unit of

government or school district that gives benefits to samesex

couples under any criteria must give equal benefits to

heterosexual couples.

He doesn't like Hetro's either...

I don't agree with this vote. If gays were to get some kind of special rights with regard to relationships then hetro live ins should get the same.


YES SB 880 (2003)

To allow the purchase of 10 hypodermic needles from a

pharmacy without a prescription.

I don't agree with this vote.

PRESENT HB 2000 (4659)

To establish a zero-tolerance drug-testing policy for Department

of Corrections Employees

I don't agree with this vote. NO GUTS AGAIN...


NO SB 777 (1999)

To end the unemployment insurance fund building tax.

NO SB 879 (1999)

To end the minimum contribution tax rate for the unemployment


NO SB 795 (2001)

To reduce employers’ minimum contribution insurance rate.

YES SB 796 (2003)

To increase the Illinois minimum wage from $5.15 per hour to

$6.50 per hour.

I don't agree with this vote.

So there you have it... Now show me where I'm a racists just because I can't agree with the man based on his record, and I don't want his kind of judgment running the country...

How did my compadre's feel about the election?

The Trucker magazine held polls all throughout the election. In March they asked "If the presidential race is between McCain and obama for whom would you vote.
McCain won 68% to 32%

In June they asked two questions: "If the election were held today, for whom would you vote for?"
McCain won 68% to 32%
But when asked whom they thought would win, it was McCain by only 53% to 47%

In September, after both men had picked their running mates, it was McCain 59% to 41%

Then on the day of the election they asked whom the truckers had voted for and it was McCain 70% to 30%.

One final poll. A year ago the Trucker asked truckers who they would prefer as the candidates for the parties. Clinton was the democrats choice and Thompson was the Republicans choice. Obama finished behind Edwards on the democrat poll. The lineup on the Republican side was Thompson, Romney, Guiliani, Huckabee, McCain.

When truckers heard the acceptance speech their first question was where's "There"? "We may not get 'There' in one year or even in one term." ~ Obama.

Obama didn't have trucking as an issue on his website but he did say last June that he didn't want to unilaterally reopen negotiations on NAFTA, I thought NAFTA was a republican thing?

Obama said that too many of the nation's railways, highways, bridges, airports and neighborhood streets are slowly decaying because of lack of investment and strategic long term planning. Well no shit sherlock.. This has been a problem for 20 years, he's just now waking up to this? Hell he was in the Senate where were the bills from him to fix this? He was part of the raiding going on of the trust fund.

The only thing concrete truckers will have to look forward to is more road taxes. The highway trust fund had to get an $8 billion infusion this summer because of the lower intake of fuel taxes. Obama says he's going to start a National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank to expand and enhance, not supplant, the existing federal transportation investments.

Hey that's all well and good, we can see our bridges crumbling. But that NIRB is planning on a $60 billion infusion of federal money over 10 years. Come on now.. What the hell is that going to do? That's $6 billion a year and a new bridge costs hundreds of millions of dollars. We have 100's of thousands of bridges needing repair right now. AASHTO said in July that it would take $140 billion to repair or replace those bridges... Then add up the millions of miles of roads that are falling apart and then the highways that go through our towns. Yea $60 billion sounds like a lot of money until you start looking at the enormity of the problem.

They're going to be looking for new ways to tax this money out of your pockets. Instead of using the Highway Trust Fund for it's intended purpose CONgress has been stealling from it just like they do every year to Social Security and using it for other purposes instead of what it's intended for.

You could be seeing a federal per mile tax to pay every year. You will see more roads becoming toll roads. Again, we the taxpayers have to pay for the irresponsible spending of our government, as if we haven't seen enough of that in the last month alone.... When are they going to start running the government check book the way we have to? When it's to late?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The headline says that there was a "massive" cross border rocket attack from palestinian militants in the gaza strip after an Israeli air strike.

What the headline doesn't say is the Israeli air strike took out a tunnel from where militants were entering Israel to commit homicide bombing attacks that was uncovered by Israeli military after a battle with hamas militants ...

I'm getting tired of these leading headlines because too many people just scan the headlines without reading the story. I truly believe that is how we came to an obama presidency.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Oil is in a SURPLUS!

World oil is in surplus!!May 23, '08 4:30 PM
for everyone
We're using 85 million barrels a day but producing 86 million barrels... OPEC's April report...

Total global usage

Oil outlook... LOOKS PRETTY GOOD TO ME...

Iraq, nigeria, brazil and a couple other countries are now set to come online raising the production by 1.8 million barrels a day...

Feb 2008 world oil production 86.92 million barrels a day... usage 85 million... We have a surplus PEOPLE!!!!

Listen to a 2 hour discussion on oil...